The Quest to grow the Most Epic Beard has Been a Quest for a Number of Men.
This checklist will give you a few pointers on what to AVOID while growing your beard to its highest potential.
Our Top Five
* Being Impatient
Studies shows depending on genetics it can take anywhere between 2 - 6 months to see your beard growing. The key is to have patience and stay committed to the process.
*Failing to keep face clean
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is growing your facial hair out without keeping your face clean. Dirty clogged pores can block hair from breaking through causing ingrown hairs. Remember to wash your face daily and avoid using harsh hair shampoo on your beard. You want to get a dedicated beard shampoo to keep your hygiene up.
*Neglecting to use a Good Beard Growth Serum
You can certainly grow a beard without a beard growth serum, but we don’t recommend it. It is important to add a Beard Oil in your regimen to help in your process. A good beard oil will moisturize your hair, skin and nourish your follicles. Use a great beard oil while you massage your beard as well. "Your Beard Better" transformational oil is a great solutions to keep your beard moisturized and keep your follicles supercharged and beard growing.
*Forgetting to Exercise
To grow a healthy beard you need to increase your testosterone levels. One of the healthiest and natural ways to do this is to simply start high-intensity workouts. Do exercises that target your largest muscle groups. Squats, weightlifting, bench presses, or pushups are some ideas to get your testosterone levels up.
* Poor Nutrition
What we put inside of our bodies reflects the outside. Nutrition is a key component in the beard growing journey. Poor nutrition can contribute to poor beard growth One nutritional factor is getting enough protein in your diet. Hair is made up a protein call "Keratin" without an adequate amount of protein the cells in the body will not work efficiently making in difficult in creating new hair. Try eating a couple servings of fish, chicken or other lean sources of protein daily (3-4 ounces) If you are following a vegan lifestyle try Lentils, Oatmeal, Green Peas, or Black Beans. Each one is a great source of protein.
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Have you made Any Beard Growing mistakes that you would like to share?